Year-End Smile Upgrades: Tooth Replacements

In order to ensure your smile has the best chance of success, it is important to make sure all teeth are accounted for. If you have any lost teeth, it is essential to have them replaced immediately. If left untreated, missing teeth can lead to gum destabilization, plaque buildup, and tooth slippage. Thus, it is important to visit your dentist... read more »

Correcting Issues That Arise with Diabetes and Your Smile

Were you aware of the relationship that exists between diabetes and your oral health care? Just as your oral health can negatively affect your diabetes, so too can your diabetes negatively affect your oral heath. If you suffer from diabetes, you are more likely to experience conditions such as dry mouth. Dry mouth occurs when saliva production in your mouth... read more »

Treating Your Bad Breath

Halitosis, is another name for bad breath which is unpleasant odors from your mouth. Often, halitosis is caused by bacteria in your mouth, although it can be caused by other health issues. Some medications, produce dry mouth as a side effect. Dry mouth occurs when your mouth lacks the saliva necessary to keep it safe from harmful acids and plaque... read more »

Do You Know How to Improve Your Oral Health by Preventing Dental Erosion?

Dental erosion is an oral health disorder generally characterized by the destruction of the tooth enamel by harmful acids in your mouth. Although brushing and flossing your teeth daily are effective methods for keeping your mouth clean, the foods and drinks you consume can cause dental erosion long before cleaning products can be given, and can potentially lead to pulp... read more »

Improve Your Oral Health with These Cavity-Prevention Tips

A cavity in your tooth is formed when your tooth enamel is worn down so much that a hole in your tooth forms. As bacteria begin to pile up in your mouth, it forms a sticky layer called plaque, which needs to be removed via saliva or an oral health care method such as brushing or flossing. If left unchecked,... read more »

Bruxism Is Hard to Spot, so Here Are Some Signs to Look For

Bruxism is a condition which affects your oral health and is caused by uncontrollable grinding of your teeth. Over time, grinding your teeth can cause a variety of issues, including jaw disorders like TMJ, or sleep disorders like sleep apnea and loud snoring. Bruxism often goes untreated because it usually only presents itself while sleeping. Bruxism is hard to spot,... read more »