Wisdom Tooth Extraction Is Often an Important Measure for Preventing Further Complications

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Wisdom teeth tend to develop deep in the periodontal tissues in the rear of the mouth at during adolescence. They tend to start to emerge from the gums after all of your son or daughter’s permanent teeth have replaced their primary teeth. As this starts to happen they might complain about a dull ache, or feeling of pressure, and discomfort in the gums. This might also include a sense of soreness in the lower jaw muscles.

If your son or daughter is experiencing any of these symptoms, you should schedule a consult at Dr. Daniel Merrill’s dental office. In many of these causes they will likely recommend having their wisdom teeth extracted, before they can cause further problems.

Dr. Daniel Merrill can often perform a wisdom tooth extraction in a single outpatient appointment. Aftercare Dr. Daniel Merrill will likely prescribe pain management medication to help your son or daughter remain comfortable while their gums heal and the extraction sites knit together.

During the recovery process your son or daughter will need to stick to a diet of soft foods. Stocking up on applesauce, mashed potatoes, and yogurt will help them maintain adequate blood sugar and comfort. It’s also very important for them to stay hydrated. Just make sure they known not to drink through a straw. The suction could potentially pull blood clots loose from the incision sites.

You should expect the extraction sites to bleed a little for the first few days after the extraction. They can control the bleeding by lightly biting down on some rolled up gauze. Then a gentle rinse with lukewarm saltwater can clear your mouth.

If you are in the West Chester, Ohio, area and your son or daughter is experiencing wisdom tooth discomfort, you should call 513-779-7711 to schedule a consultation at Merrill Dental.